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A Real Quantum Computer Playing Monty Hall Against Itself

Since the 15-qubits ibmqx5 is available through QISKit in the IBM Q experience, it has become possible to simulate the game of Monty Hall, whose counterintuitive, albeit mathematically correct, aspect of optimal winning strategy is the subject of an abundant literature, including quantum models. In this blog, I shall limit myself to present a program in which the computer is measured to itself. This program can be easily modified to allow an interactive game between the computer and a player. First draft of the project using the simulator on the composer The following circuit has been developed (FIG1). FIG1: Partition running on the online simulator. Details: bottom left: realization of a W state - bottom right: Toffoli gate incorporating a swap. This circuit is compatible with ibmqx5 as far as connections are concerned, except that the cNOT gates whose direction is incorrect must be replaced by reverse cNOT gates in the QISKIt version 1 . Initially, two ...

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